Why Cant I Share Posts to My Instagram Story

Why Cant I Share Posts to My Instagram Story – Is the Add Post to Your Story feature Missing on Instagram and do you need a solution to fix it? Numerous users face this issue and it’s one of the most frustrating things ever. This guide explains to you how you can fix the error and get the Add Post to Your Story feature to show.

By the time this guide finishes, you should be able to restore the feature and start adding posts to your story. If you want to know more about fixing Add Post to Your Story Missing on Instagram then read this article carefully.

Why Cant I Share Posts to My Instagram Story?

Why Cant I Share Posts to My Instagram Story

You can’t share a post to your Instagram story since the Add Post to Your Story feature is either glitched or the possessor of the account has restricted resharing to stories. As of today, Instagram is trying out a new “Resharing” sticker, so the “Add post to story” feature is momentarily disabled.

The Add Post to Story feature is most probable missing from your Instagram account due to a glitch that you have no control over. Though, there are numerous solutions you can use to fix it.

If the feature is glitched, the problem is on Instagram’s end—not yours. Luckily, there are solutions you can use to fix it. Though, if the owner of the account has disabled resharing to stories, then you’ll have to contact the individual to enable the feature.

How can you fix Add Post to Your Story Missing on Instagram?

If you wish to fix the Add Post to Your Story missing on Instagram, you can also try scrolling down the sharing list to find it, update/reinstall Instagram, use another device, or ask the person to enable resharing to stories.

  1. Use the “Reshare” sticker

Here’s what you need to do to add a post to your story:

  • First, you need to go to the homepage of Instagram.
  • Then, click on your profile picture to add a new story and Select “Create” on the left of your screen.
  • Simply tap on the sticker icon on the top of your screen and search for the “Reshare” sticker.
  • Now, you need to tap on “Reshare” and select a post to reshare.
  • After that, tap on “Share” to add the post to your story!

Presently, it’s not known whether Instagram will forever disable the “Add post to story” feature. But for now, you’ll need to trust the “Reshare” sticker to add a post to your story.

  1. Scroll down your sharing list

If the Add Post to Your Story feature is not viewed at the top of your sharing list, simply scroll down to find it. In maximum cases, the feature is somewhere below the sharing list.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  • Simply tap on the “arrow/airplane” icon below your post.
  • Then, A navigation drawer will open, and a list of users that you’re following will come.
  • Now, you need to Scroll down the list and the Add Post to Your Story will be there.

If you don’t really use Instagram stories often, the Add Post to Your Story feature might be hidden under your sharing list. So, you need to have to scroll down in order to find it.

  1. Update Instagram

Furthermore, if your Instagram is out of date, you might want to update it on your device. A mutual reason why the Add Post to Your Story feature is missing is that your Instagram is outdated.

Here’s how you can update Instagram on an Android device:

  • First, you need to open Google Play Store, tap on the menu, and tap on My apps & games.
  • Then, Apps that are outdated will have an update button, you can also search for the Instagram app.
  • Now, once you found Instagram, simply click on Update-to-update Instagram to the latest version.

Here’s how you will be able to update Instagram on an iPhone:

  • Simply open the App Store and tap on the Profile icon at the top-right-hand corner of your screen.
  • Now, you need to scroll down and find the Instagram app.
  • Click on Update-to-update Instagram to the latest version.

Basically, updating Instagram can help solve many issues. This is seeming if the description of the update contains “Bug fixes and performance improvements”.

  1. Reinstall Instagram

Reinstalling Instagram can also support solving the Add Post to Your Story feature from not showing.

Here’s how you can Reinstall Instagram on an Android device:

  • first, you simply need to open Google Play Store, tap on the menu, and tap on My apps & games.
  • After that, scroll down and find the Instagram app and you can search for it as well.
  • Then, tap on the app and tap on Uninstall and search for Instagram and download it again.

Here’s how you can Reinstall Instagram on an iPhone:

  • You just need to hold down the Instagram app for 3 seconds.
  • Now, tap on delete and find Instagram on the App Store and download it back.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the Instagram app can benefit resolve a lot of issues. This is because your data and cache will be empty from the app. In accumulation, reinstalling Instagram will ensure that it’s in the latest version.

  1. Ask the person to enable resharing of stories

If you’re trying to add someone else’s post to your story, they might have restricted the resharing option. If you wish to share their post with your story, you need to ask them to enable the resharing option.

Here’s how they can enable resharing of stories:

  1. You need to navigate to your Instagram profile and tap on the menu icon at the top-right-hand corner of the screen.
  2. Now, simply tap on Settings, tap on Privacy, then tap on Story and then, scroll down under Sharing, and turn the Allow resharing to stories switch on.

Also Check:


We have shared everything about fixing Add Post to Your Story Missing on Instagram in this article on “Why Cant I Share Posts to My Instagram Story” if the info that we shared above helped you in any way then do share it with others.

About Karan Bhardwaj

Karan Bhardwaj is a technology writer and blogger with over 8 years of experience. He is passionate about staying on top of the latest advancements and innovations in the world of tech and enjoys breaking down complex topics into easily digestible content. Follow Him: Facebook Twitter Blog

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